Have you ever felt stuck between a rock and a hard spot with something in your life? Maybe it’s a situation. Maybe it’s a relationship. Maybe something you’re waiting for. Maybe for just for a glimpse of the light at the end of the tunnel.
We all need HOPE. How many times have kids asked their parents “are we there yet?”and the tangible, felt relief when you all know you are very close to your destination. Ah. The relief. You don’t have to carry the uncertainty anymore.
God created us in a way that we aren’t supposed to carry the weight of uncertainty and hopelessness. He designed us to be whole in Him. To place our hope and trust in HIM. And when we come up against a tough situation or relationship, we simply trust Him, as He is our Good Father, who knows what we need even before we know it (Matthew 6:8).
But how do you DO that? It sounds so simple! But how do you practically live that out, day in and day out? I’m no expert, but I’ve had some situations the past couple of years that have taken a lot of waiting on God, and He has been so faithful. So, I will share it, I pray it encourages you in some way on your journey.
The past 4 years or so have held a lot of messy moments for me. Lots of growing moments, moments of hopelessness, and times where I could only trust God and His timing. Not a quick fix. I felt like I was the kid, and I was asking God, “God, are we there yet?”
But I’ll never forget, one time the picture of a huge ball of tangled string in my hands came into my mind, and there was no way of untangling it in my own. I needed help. I needed someone Else. And I felt like God invited me in that moment, and asked me if I would give Him that ball of string. For Him to unravel. In His time. To trust Him.
And, I did. Imperfectly, but I did. And I still am having to choose to keep it in His loving, steady, wise arms as we’re still in a growing season.
But friend, you can trust God with your messy string of emotions, a situation, a relationship. He alone knows the timing of your need, your want, your desire, your healing. He knows how to straighten it out. Keep walking with Him in faith, knowing He will do it and He is faithful. Abide in Him, wash yourself in His Word daily (many times daily!) and He will bear fruit in you. Whatever you’re waiting for, He’s got this. Will you hand him your ball of string today?